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Certifications: Microsoft Certified: Cybersecurity Architect Expert
Exam Code: SC-100
Exam Name: Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect
Updated: Sep 04, 2024
Q&As: 180
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You are creating an application lifecycle management process based on the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL).
You need to recommend a security standard for onboarding applications to Azure. The standard will include recommendations for application design, development, and deployment
What should you include during the application design phase?
A. static application security testing (SAST) by using SonarQube
B. dynamic application security testing (DAST) by using Veracode
C. threat modeling by using the Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool
D. software decomposition by using Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise
Correct Answer: C
Threat modeling is a core element of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). It's an engineering technique you can use to help you identify threats, attacks, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures that could affect your application.
You can use threat modeling to shape your application's design, meet your company's security objectives, and reduce risk.
Not B: Advantages of Veracode's DAST test solution
With a blackbox test tool from Veracode, you can:
Simulate the actions of an actual attacker to discover vulnerabilities not found by other testing techniques.
Run tests on applications developed in any language – JAVA/JSP, PHP and other engine-driven web applications.
Provide development and QA teams with a report on critical vulnerabilities along with information that lets them recreate the flaws.
Fix issues more quickly with detailed remediation information.
Develop long-term strategies for improving application security across your software portfolio using guidance and proactive recommendations from Veracode's expert.
Not D: SonarQube is a leading automatic code review tool to detect bugs, vulnerabilities and code smells in your code. Using Static Application Security Testing (SAST) you can do an analysis of vulnerabilities in your code, also known as
white-box testing to find about 50% of likely issues.
Your company plans to deploy several Azure App Service web apps. The web apps will be deployed to the West Europe Azure region. The web apps will be accessed only by customers in Europe and the United States.
You need to recommend a solution to prevent malicious bots from scanning the web apps for vulnerabilities. The solution must minimize the attach surface.
What should you include in the recommendation?
A. Azure Firewall Premium
B. Azure Traffic Manager and application security groups
C. Azure Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF)
D. network security groups (NSGs)
Correct Answer: B
Application security groups enable you to configure network security as a natural extension of an application's structure, allowing you to group virtual machines and define network security policies based on those groups. You can reuse your security policy at scale without manual maintenance of explicit IP addresses. The platform handles the complexity of explicit IP addresses and multiple rule sets, allowing you to focus on your business logic.
Azure Traffic Manager is a DNS-based traffic load balancer. This service allows you to distribute traffic to your public facing applications across the global Azure regions. Traffic Manager also provides your public endpoints with high availability and quick responsiveness.
Traffic Manager uses DNS to direct the client requests to the appropriate service endpoint based on a traffic-routing method. Traffic manager also provides health monitoring for every endpoint.
Not C: Azure Application Gateway Web Application Firewall is too small a scale solution in this scenario.
Note: Attacks against a web application can be monitored by using a real-time Application Gateway that has Web Application Firewall, enabled with integrated logging from Azure Monitor to track Web Application Firewall alerts and easily
monitor trends.
You have Microsoft Defender for Cloud assigned to Azure management groups.
You have a Microsoft Sentinel deployment.
During the triage of alerts, you require additional information about the security events, including suggestions for remediation.
Which two components can you use to achieve the goal? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
A. Microsoft Sentinel threat intelligence workbooks
B. Microsoft Sentinel notebooks
C. threat intelligence reports in Defender for Cloud
D. workload protections in Defender for Cloud
Correct Answer: AC
A: Workbooks provide insights about your threat intelligence
Workbooks provide powerful interactive dashboards that give you insights into all aspects of Microsoft Sentinel, and threat intelligence is no exception. You can use the built-in Threat Intelligence workbook to visualize key information about
your threat intelligence, and you can easily customize the workbook according to your business needs. You can even create new dashboards combining many different data sources so you can visualize your data in unique ways. Since
Microsoft Sentinel workbooks are based on Azure Monitor workbooks, there is already extensive documentation available, and many more templates.
C: What is a threat intelligence report?
Defender for Cloud's threat protection works by monitoring security information from your Azure resources, the network, and connected partner solutions. It analyzes this information, often correlating information from multiple sources, to
identify threats.
Defender for Cloud has three types of threat reports, which can vary according to the attack. The reports available are:
Activity Group Report: provides deep dives into attackers, their objectives, and tactics.
Campaign Report: focuses on details of specific attack campaigns.
Threat Summary Report: covers all of the items in the previous two reports.
This type of information is useful during the incident response process, where there's an ongoing investigation to understand the source of the attack, the attacker's motivations, and what to do to mitigate this issue in the future.
Not B: When to use Jupyter notebooks
While many common tasks can be carried out in the portal, Jupyter extends the scope of what you can do with this data.
For example, use notebooks to:
Perform analytics that aren't provided out-of-the box in Microsoft Sentinel, such as some Python machine learning features
Create data visualizations that aren't provided out-of-the box in Microsoft Sentinel, such as custom timelines and process trees
Integrate data sources outside of Microsoft Sentinel, such as an on-premises data set.
Not D: Defender for Cloud offers security alerts that are powered by Microsoft Threat Intelligence. It also includes a range of advanced, intelligent, protections for your workloads. The workload protections are provided through Microsoft
Defender plans specific to the types of resources in your subscriptions. For example, you can enable Microsoft Defender for Storage to get alerted about suspicious activities related to your Azure Storage accounts.
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