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Certifications: Databricks Certification
Exam Name: Databricks Certified Professional Data Engineer Exam
Updated: Sep 01, 2024
Q&As: 120
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A Databricks job has been configured with 3 tasks, each of which is a Databricks notebook. Task A does not depend on other tasks. Tasks B and C run in parallel, with each having a serial dependency on Task A.
If task A fails during a scheduled run, which statement describes the results of this run?
A. Because all tasks are managed as a dependency graph, no changes will be committed to the Lakehouse until all tasks have successfully been completed.
B. Tasks B and C will attempt to run as configured; any changes made in task A will be rolled back due to task failure.
C. Unless all tasks complete successfully, no changes will be committed to the Lakehouse; because task A failed, all commits will be rolled back automatically.
D. Tasks B and C will be skipped; some logic expressed in task A may have been committed before task failure.
E. Tasks B and C will be skipped; task A will not commit any changes because of stage failure.
Correct Answer: D
When a Databricks job runs multiple tasks with dependencies, the tasks are executed in a dependency graph. If a task fails, the downstream tasks that depend on it are skipped and marked as Upstream failed. However, the failed task may have already committed some changes to the Lakehouse before the failure occurred, and those changes are not rolled back automatically. Therefore, the job run may result in a partial update of the Lakehouse. To avoid this, you can use the transactional writes feature of Delta Lake to ensure that the changes are only committed when the entire job run succeeds. Alternatively, you can use the Run if condition to configure tasks to run even when some or all of their dependencies have failed, allowing your job to recover from failures and continue running. References: transactional writes: Run if:
A junior member of the data engineering team is exploring the language interoperability of Databricks notebooks. The intended outcome of the below code is to register a view of all sales that occurred in countries on the continent of Africa that appear in the geo_lookup table.
Before executing the code, running SHOW TABLES on the current database indicates the database contains only two tables: geo_lookup and sales.
Which statement correctly describes the outcome of executing these command cells in order in an interactive notebook?
A. Both commands will succeed. Executing show tables will show that countries at and sales at have been registered as views.
B. Cmd 1 will succeed. Cmd 2 will search all accessible databases for a table or view named countries af: if this entity exists, Cmd 2 will succeed.
C. Cmd 1 will succeed and Cmd 2 will fail, countries at will be a Python variable representing a PySpark DataFrame.
D. Both commands will fail. No new variables, tables, or views will be created.
E. Cmd 1 will succeed and Cmd 2 will fail, countries at will be a Python variable containing a list of strings.
Correct Answer: E
This is the correct answer because Cmd 1 is written in Python and uses a list comprehension to extract the country names from the geo_lookup table and store them in a Python variable named countries af. This variable will contain a list of
strings, not a PySpark DataFrame or a SQL view. Cmd 2 is written in SQL and tries to create a view named sales af by selecting from the sales table where city is in countries af. However, this command will fail because countries af is not a
valid SQL entity and cannot be used in a SQL query. To fix this, a better approach would be to use spark.sql() to execute a SQL query in Python and pass the countries af variable as a parameter. Verified References:
[Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional], under "Language Interoperability" section; Databricks Documentation, under "Mix languages" section.
The marketing team is looking to share data in an aggregate table with the sales organization, but the field names used by the teams do not match, and a number of marketing specific fields have not been approval for the sales org.
Which of the following solutions addresses the situation while emphasizing simplicity?
A. Create a view on the marketing table selecting only these fields approved for the sales team alias the names of any fields that should be standardized to the sales naming conventions.
B. Use a CTAS statement to create a derivative table from the marketing table configure a production jon to propagation changes.
C. Add a parallel table write to the current production pipeline, updating a new sales table that varies as required from marketing table.
D. Create a new table with the required schema and use Delta Lake's DEEP CLONE functionality to sync up changes committed to one table to the corresponding table.
Correct Answer: A
Creating a view is a straightforward solution that can address the need for field name standardization and selective field sharing between departments. A view allows for presenting a transformed version of the underlying data without
duplicating it. In this scenario, the view would only include the approved fields for the sales team and rename any fields as per their naming conventions.
Databricks documentation on using SQL views in Delta Lake:
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