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True or False: Cross-functional teams are optimized to work on one component or layer of a system only.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Cross-functional teams are not optimized to work on one component or layer of a system only. This is because:
Cross-functional teams are teams that have all the skills and competencies needed to accomplish the work without depending on others who are not part of the team.
Cross-functional teams are able to deliver value across the entire product, rather than focusing on a specific component or layer. They can work on any aspect of the product that is needed to achieve the Sprint Goal and the Product Goal.
Cross-functional teams are more agile, collaborative, and creative than teams that are specialized or siloed. They can reduce dependencies, handoffs, and delays, and increase feedback, learning, and adaptation.
[Scrum Guide], page 7, section "Developers"
[Scrum Guide], page 10, section "Product Goal"
[Scrum Guide], page 7, section "The Scrum Team"
Your management has asked you to take the lead in the development of a new product. Six teams new to Scrum will build this product.
You have gathered a number of requirements and ideas into an early form of a Product Backlog. How would you minimize dependencies between the Scrum Teams?
(choose the best answer)
A. You create an independent Product Backlog per Scrum Team.
B. You divide Product Backlog items among the six Product Owners.
C. You identify the dependencies and re-order the Product Backlog for the other five Product Owners.
D. You work with the Developers on how to best analyze and break apart the work.
E. You raise this as an impediment with the Scrum Master.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: The best way to minimize dependencies between the Scrum Teams is to work with the Developers on how to best analyze and break apart the work. This is because:
The Developers are accountable for creating a "Done" Increment in every Sprint. They must ensure that every Product Backlog item they work on meets the Definition of Done before it is considered complete. The Developers are self-
managing professionals who organize and manage their own work. They decide how to best accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the Scrum Team.
The Developers are cross-functional, meaning they have all the skills and competencies needed to accomplish the work without depending on others who are not part of the team.
The Product Owner is accountable for maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team. They are responsible for identifying and articulating the Product Goal, which is a long-term objective for the product that
guides all the activities of the Scrum Team. The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for managing the Product Backlog, which is an emergent, ordered list of what is needed to improve the product. They must ensure that the Product
Backlog is transparent, visible, and understood by everyone who needs to work on it.
The Product Owner and the Developers must collaborate closely throughout the Sprint to ensure that they have a shared understanding of what they are building and why. The Product Owner must provide clarifications, feedback, and
guidance to the Developers as needed to help them create a valuable Increment. When there are multiple teams working on one product, it is important to minimize dependencies between them to avoid delays, conflicts, or waste.
Dependencies may arise due to technical, functional, or organizational factors that affect how the teams can deliver value independently and effectively. To minimize dependencies, the Product Owner should work with the Developers on how
to best analyze and break apart the work into smaller and more manageable pieces that can be delivered by each team without relying on others. This may involve applying techniques such as feature slicing, component splitting, or domain-
driven design. The Product Owner should also communicate and coordinate with other Product Owners and stakeholders to align expectations and priorities across teams.
Other options, such as creating an independent Product Backlog per Scrum Team, dividing Product Backlog items among six Product Owners, identifying the dependencies and re- ordering the Product Backlog for the other five Product
Owners, or raising this as an impediment with the Scrum Master, are not valid answers as they do not reflect how to minimize dependencies between the Scrum Teams or how to apply the Scrum values and principles.
[Scrum Guide], page 7, section "Developers"
[Scrum Guide], page 6, section "Product Owner"
[Scrum Guide], page 10, section "Definition of Done" [Scrum Guide], page 10, section "Increment"
[Scrum Guide], page 10, section "Product Goal"
[Scrum Guide], page 11, section "Product Backlog" [Professional Scrum Product OwnerTM Training], page 9, section "Business Strategy"
[Professional Scrum Product OwnerTM Training], page 8, section "Release Management"
How much time is required after a Sprint to prepare for the next Sprint?
(choose the best answer)
A. The break between Sprints is timeboxed to one-week for a one-month Sprint, and usually less for shorter Sprints.
B. Enough time for the requirements for the next Sprint to be determined and documented.
C. Enough time for the Developers to finish the testing from the last Sprint.
D. None. A new Sprint starts immediately following the end of the previous Sprint.
E. All of the above are allowed depending on the situation.
Correct Answer: D
The Scrum Guide states that "Sprints have consistent durations throughout a development effort. A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint."1 This means that there is no gap or break between Sprints, and the
Scrum Team does not need to spend extra time to prepare for the next Sprint. The Scrum Team should be able to start the next Sprint Planning right after the Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective of the previous Sprint. The Scrum Team
should also ensure that the testing and documentation of the work are done within the Sprint, and not left for later.
1: The Scrum Guide2, page 9
2: The Scrum Guide
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