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Certifications: Business Analysis
Exam Code: BAPV5
Exam Name: BCS Practitioner Certificate in Business Analysis Practice v5.0
Updated: Jan 12, 2025
Q&As: 70
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The business case for project XCON has been signed off and money has been allocated. The business analyst on the project wants to understand who the stakeholders are. how much authority they have, and how much involvement they want in the project so that a stakeholder management plan can be created.
Which technique SHOULD the business analyst use to gain this understanding?
B. Power / Interest Grid.
C. RACI chart
D. Resource audit
Correct Answer: B
A Power / Interest Grid is a technique for analysing and managing stakeholders based on their level of power and interest in an organisation or project. It helps to identify who are the key stakeholders and how they should be engaged and communicated with. Therefore, option B is the correct answer, as a Power / Interest Grid would help the business analyst to gain an understanding of who the stakeholders are, how much authority they have, and how much involvement they want in the project so that a stakeholder management plan can be created. A Power / Interest Grid would help to classify stakeholders into four categories based on their level of power and interest: high power, high interest; high power, low interest; low power, high interest; low power, low interest. A Power / Interest Grid would help to determine different stakeholder management strategies for each category: active and constant management; keep satisfied; keep informed; watch. Option A is not a correct answer, as CATWOE is not a technique for analysing and managing stakeholders based on their level of power and interest. CATWOE is a technique for exploring stakeholder business perspectives by identifying six elements: Customer, Actor, Transformation, Worldview, Owner and Environment. It helps to understand how different stakeholders perceive a business situation or problem and what they expect from a solution. Option C is not a correct answer, as RACI chart is not a technique for analysing and managing stakeholders based on their level of power and interest. RACI chart is a technique for defining roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in relation to tasks or activities within an organisation or project. It helps to identify who are Responsible, Accountable, Consulted or Informed for each task or activity. Option D is not a correct answer, as resource audit is not a technique for analysing and managing stakeholders based on their level of power and interest. Resource audit is a technique for identifying and evaluating the resources that an organisation has or needs to achieve its objectives. It helps to assess the availability and quality of an organisation's resources, such as human, physical, financial and intangible resources. References: BCS Practitioner Certificate in BAP Specimen, page 39.
Maria is a business analyst working for a large supermarket chain, where she has been asked to work on a project exploring the potential opportunities of wearable technology This work has led her to visit parts of the organisation that she has never come into contact with before and whilst observing and interviewing staff working in various stores and warehouses, she has identified a number of concerns, including noticeable gaps in staff training, stores and warehouses that seem to require extensive repair, and store management worries about cash flow Maria is aware that these concerns are not directly related to the project she has been assigned to However, she feels she has a responsibility to make her management team aware of these issues
As a way of enabling her organisation to fully explore these concerns and understand if any further intervention is required, which of the following would be the MOST valuable?
A. Resource audit
D. Porter's Five Forces model
Correct Answer: B
A SWOT analysis is a technique for identifying and evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that affect an organisation or project. It helps to assess the internal and external factors that influence the performance and potential of the organisation or project. Therefore, option B is the correct answer, as a SWOT analysis would be the most valuable technique for enabling the organisation to fully explore the concerns and understand if any further intervention is required. A SWOT analysis would help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation's current situation, such as the gaps in staff training, the state of the stores and warehouses, and the cash flow issues. It would also help to identify the opportunities and threats that arise from the external environment, such as the market trends, customer preferences, competitors' actions, and regulatory changes. A SWOT analysis would provide a comprehensive picture of the organisation's situation and help to prioritise the areas that need improvement or attention. Option A is not a correct answer, as a resource audit is a technique for identifying and evaluating the resources that an organisation has or needs to achieve its objectives. It helps to assess the availability and quality of the organisation's resources, such as human, physical, financial and intangible resources. A resource audit would not be sufficient to fully explore the concerns and understand if any further intervention is required, as it would only focus on one aspect of the organisation's situation and not consider the external factors that affect it. Option C is not a correct answer, as a PESTLE analysis is a technique for identifying and evaluating the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors that affect an organisation or project. It helps to assess the opportunities and threats that arise from the external environment. A PESTLE analysis would not be sufficient to fully explore the concerns and understand if any further intervention is required, as it would only focus on one aspect of the organisation's situation and not consider the internal factors that affect it. Option D is not a correct answer, as Porter's Five Forces model is a technique for analysing the competitive forces that shape an industry or market. It helps to assess the attractiveness and profitability of an industry or market by examining five forces: rivalry among existing competitors, threat of new entrants, threat of substitute products or services, bargaining power of suppliers, and bargaining power of buyers. Porter's Five Forces model would not be relevant to fully explore the concerns and understand if any further intervention is required, as it would not address the issues that affect the organisation internally. References: BCS Practitioner Certificate in BAP Specimen, page 26.
Adiyan has been considering the feasibility of introducing a new payments method into his company His draft report reads
'The new payment method has not yet been widely adopted although it has the backing of all the big phone brands. Our current payments system will be upgraded next month to take payment as part of a scheduled release This method of payment will be supported under our current license deal Trials have shown that the technology will scale to our customer base and cyber security testing is encouraging'
Which of the following is the BEST description of the areas of Technical feasibility mentioned in the report?
A. Proven. Compatible, Secure. Scalable
B. Timely, Compatible. Secure, Scalable
C. Reliable. Compatible, Secure. Architectural Alignment
D. Timely, Reliable, Proven, Architectural Alignment
Correct Answer: A
Technical feasibility is the extent to which a proposed business change or solution is possible and realistic from a technical perspective. It helps to assess whether a proposed business change or solution can be developed, implemented and maintained using the available or required technology. Therefore, option A is the correct answer, as it describes the areas of technical feasibility mentioned in the report. Proven is an area of technical feasibility that relates to whether the technology used for the proposed business change or solution has been tested and verified by previous or existing users or applications. It helps to ensure reliability and quality of the technology. An example of proven in the report is the new payment method has not yet been widely adopted although it has the backing of all the big phone brands. Compatible is an area of technical feasibility that relates to whether the technology used for the proposed business change or solution can work or integrate with other existing or required technologies. It helps to ensure interoperability and functionality of the technology. An example of compatible in the report is our current payments system will be upgraded next month to take payment as part of a scheduled release. Secure is an area of technical feasibility that relates to whether the technology used for the proposed business change or solution can protect or prevent unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure of data or information. It helps to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of the technology. An example of secure in the report is cyber security testing is encouraging. Scalable is an area of technical feasibility that relates to whether the technology used for the proposed business change or solution can handle or adapt to changes in demand, volume or performance. It helps to ensure efficiency and flexibility of the technology. An example of scalable in the report is trials have shown that the technology will scale to our customer base. Option B is not a correct answer, as it does not describe all the areas of technical feasibility mentioned in the report. Timely is an area of technical feasibility that relates to whether the technology used for the proposed business change or solution can be developed, implemented and maintained within the available or required time frame. It helps to ensure punctuality and speed of the technology. There is no example of timely in the report. Option C is not a correct answer, as it does not describe all the areas of technical feasibility mentioned in the report. Reliable is an area of technical feasibility that relates to whether the technology used for the proposed business change or solution can perform consistently and accurately without errors or failures. It helps to ensure dependability and accuracy of the technology. There is no example of reliable in the report. Architectural alignment is an area of technical feasibility that relates to whether the technology used for the proposed business change or solution can fit or align with other existing or required architectures, such as business, data or application architectures. It helps to ensure consistency and coherence of the technology. There is no example of architectural alignment in the report. Option D is not a correct answer, as it does not describe any of the areas of technical feasibility mentioned in the report. References: BCS Practitioner Certificate in BAP Specimen, page 48.
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